Stubborn Old Folks

My husband and I had lunch yesterday at one of our favorite lunch spots, Famous Dave’s.  They have fabulous barbecue, and we go every Friday for lunch, often picking up some lunch for my sis to drop off at her house.

He seemed to have trouble getting up, and I offered to help.  I swear he almost snarled at me.

“I don’t need help!”

Well, I rolled my eyes, and we went on our way slowly.

It’s not uncommon for elderly couples to help one another get out of a seat, or with groceries, or other tasks that come up.  But, I don’t know, we seem to be two of a kind.  Because today, after grocery shopping, he offered to help.  And, of course, I said, I’ll be fine, and continued to bring in the grocery bags.  They weren’t bad this week anyway.

Then I recalled that Friday lunch.  I know neither of us will ask for help, and don’t want help.

What we want is to be fully functional as we’ve always been.  Even though it’s becoming clear we aren’t so young anymore, or so independent.

Frankly, he’s always been a gift from God to me, because we fit, and he’s provided everything I’ve ever needed.  Including independence to do what I choose with my time, and lots of quiet, so I can blog, or read, or do research as I choose.  Always supported my art projects, and always supported our children.  And grandchildren, as well.  Allowed me to homeschool those grandkids, and we enjoyed that so much, took many trips, saw many things, explored and learned so much.

God is good.  And He sent me an angel.  One who insists he can do everything by himself, even though he’s bent over, can’t stand straight from failed back surgery, in chronic pain, and now has COPD.  He’s stubborn.

Like me.  We fit.  60 years we’ve fit.  I love the guy.