God’s Beauty Everywhere

Amazing, but first thing in the morning, when I fetch the paper and walk the dog, this black gum tree just is there, always, reminding me that each tree, each leaf, each human, each living entity is unique, individual, and not really a copy of anything or anyone else.

That tree, with just a bit of light behind it’s beautiful branches, each distinct, is a constant reminder of the wonder of God’s love, that all this and so much more is here for us to remind us of that love all the time.

Yet so many folks have no clue of the beauty all around them.  Maybe God created artists just to show people what they are missing!  Yet, God is the greater artist, having designed all this.  Thanks, God.  Thanks for your son, and thanks for all your creation that you so freely gave to us all, sinners or not!  It’s up to us to choose to see.