Mid Night Thoughts

I’m not saying midnight, I’m saying mid night, because it’s way past midnight.  But I can’t sleep.  And I’m not plagued by nightmares or scary things at all.  I can’t sleep because I have memories that are just too precious and wonderful not to mention.

My first was such a wonderful thing, and would sit wherever I put her, not wiggle around, not fall over, just sit and look around her, with wonder and delight in her tiny face!  If close to something, like a vase with flowers, she would reach out her tiny hand and touch it, so gently, as though to sense it’s beauty and her expression was as though she absorbed it.

I almost lost her once.  Colic drops caused her to choke.  Ignorant and unknowing mother that I was, either instinct or God took over in that instance, and I grabbed her by the feet, and held her upside down, patting strongly on her back.  I’d say it was God telling this dumb inexperienced mom what to do, because those drops came shooting out, and she screamed.

I cried.  I have no idea why God was with me that day, because I hadn’t given Him a thought in years, and yet I know now, He was there for us both that day.  Words cannot begin to express how something like that can make you feel.  There’s no way to describe many of the events of simple motherhood that I’ve experienced.

Sometimes, the memories I have of them beginning to walk, run, read, sing, put their arms around my neck and call me “Mom” are so overwhelming, I realize that that is what makes me happy, and that is why I still love this old guy who provided for us throughout it all, who must have been sent by God.  How else could it have happened?  There really is a loving God for whom I am so very grateful everyday for the love and experiences I’ve had.

And grandma, now that’s too sweet to even begin to describe.



These little devils are so enormously entertaining, if you take the time to watch them.  Almost as entertaining as children!  They are masters at acrobatics, and can get into any bird feeder!  When you think you have them stationed far enough away they cannot leap to them, the somehow manage to climb a slick metal pole to get to the arch and traverse across it to the feeder, and sometimes even open it from the top!  Last summer I even had to go rescue one who got caught inside a tubular birdfeeder, and couldn’t get the top to go up, so he could again back out.  I lifted the top for him, and he was out in a shot and gone in the blink of an eye.

This year, so far, they’ve managed to defeat every plan we put into effect to protect the birdfeed and hang most precariously from the feeders, often dropping from good height!

But the Camelias….now why would a squirrel rip a Camelia from the bush and tear it up, leaving a trail of rosy flower petals all over the side yard?  At first, I had no clue who or what was doing that.  But yesterday, as Clover and I returned from our walk, there was a pesky squirrel with a Camelia in his mouth!  He fled, of course, as fast as he could go to the woods!  Who knew?  I had no idea squirrels would take my flowers!

You learn something new every day!

Spring is Here

Already, the crocuses have come and gone, and forsythia is blooming up and down the road, although mine is just not doing anything!  The foxes get fed right under the unhealthy forsythia, and they think they can hide in them.  Perhaps, but sometimes I can see them quite well.

I’ve begun to give them the soft food Ash leaves in her dish as well as a scoop of dry food each day, and it’s always gone in the morning, even though I don’t see them come and eat it.  The birds have discovered the cat food, and especially large crows, swoop down and enjoy a morning feast often.

The squirrels are always attacking the bird feeders, and once, one got inside the tube upside down, and couldn’t get out!  The top had dropped on him.  I had to pick up the top, and let him wiggle out and leap to safety.  He scampered off quickly, but I’m sure he gets fed regularly from these bird feeders.  Clever and funny little guys, these squirrels!  They are so cute.


Found Something >MOOC, and this is great!

Following Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and he passed this on to his followers.  Very useful if you want to take courses at no cost.  Who would have thought you have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to take college level courses?  This is fabulous.  It’s never too late to learn!


It means Massive Open Online Courses…..and the list is huge!  So, if it’s learning you want to do, this is great!  If you have to have a piece of paper to qualify for a job, that’s another story, but there’s probably source material for that as well.

Check it out!

Had an interesting discussion…

Had an interesting discussion over on Nextdoor which I seldom use.  But I did join the book club, thinking I’d meet some of my neighbors who are possibly interested in reading similar things.

I decided to read Gulag Archipelago which I finally found in kindle format, and not the mashed up junk I had downloaded from internet archive.  Well, it’s three volumes, around 700 pages each!  And once I started, I couldn’t stop, couldn’t put it down.  So, I mentioned it in the book club in our local nextdoor neighborhood app.  One nice guy said he though it should be required reading, as we could see some similarities in our culture today.  And then another guy butted in to put him down and call him a racist.

Well, so, I had to engage.  The discussion on my part was reasonable and civil.  On his part, put downs and calling me names.  After a bit, with the first guy engaging as well, the guy went back and deleted several of his rude message.

I mentioned that, and wondered if he had more to contribute other than ad hominems.  Long story short, after a while, he posted a link to an WaPo article, which I couldn’t read because I don’t subscribe.  We discussed the election lawsuits which he poopooed, and I said he should be looking forward to them, especially since he’s so certain his side won.  And he again called me insane, and sick, and said he is blocking me.

Wow.  I’m blocked, by a guy who was insulting, rude, name calling, and I’m really thrilled about it!  I told someone else of Nextdoor who was being insulted by him to keep engaging, and he would get blocked too!  Celebrations all around!  Some people are just plain trolls.  No question.