Looking for Love???

Heck, another night when I woke in the middle with a dream in my head still.  Also, an old song, “Looking for love in all the wrong places” was accompanying it.

Do the young totally misunderstand what love is?

Even if you ignore what the bible says love is, you should understand it’s not just a squishy feeling.  It something you DO!  It’s not words.  It’s not empathy.  It’s not what the left is selling, sex of any kind whatever.  Sex is not love.

Love is DOING what needs to be done for those you care for.  It’s supporting your children.  It’s providing for others, when they are in need.  It’s helping when you can.  It’s caring for aging relatives.  It’s doing what’s best for your community.

Back in ’62, my guy proposed one Saturday night in August, and I said, “Yes!”  Suffered all week not sure it was the right decision.  But I got a dress, shoes, veil, prepared my head, and did it.  The following Saturday, mind you that’s one week, we walked down the aisle at a local church and took our vows, and I meant it.

Astonishingly, that evening after a lovely small family reception, my new husband took me home.  In that week, he had borrowed money to get us an apartment, bought furniture, had it all set in place, and that’s where he took me.  Home.  My home.  Our home.

Who does that?  Today, what guys do something like that?  My dad had abandoned us.  Imagine if you can, how this affected me.  He DID something.  He DOES things every day, still, even though he’s almost 83, he DOES things for me.  He still provides for me everything I need, and more, so that I may provide things for others.

This is LOVE. It’s doing.  And it’s GOD, loving us.  Because that is what GOD teaches!  That is what God tells us to do.  Not take.  Not get.  GIVE.  Love is doing, and giving.  Even if it’s just your time.  Or listening.  Or your silence.

And I hate cooking, but for this guy, I’ll cook every day, and fix his ice cream,  too.


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