Experimenting with Chlorine Dioxide… interesting.

So far, I’m only doing Protocol 1 which is also called MMS.  It’s a few drops of chlorine part of the two part mix…because I’m not ready to mix my own and discipline myself to do it every hour on the hour.  Just my life isn’t that well organized.

But, already, just using the Protocol 1 mixing up a liter of water with drops, I’m feeling much better than I was before.  The worst of the arthritis flare, likely caused by inflammation, is much better, and I have more energy, and sleep much better as well.

Don’t think I’m going to increase dosage as I’m already at six drops, and I’m just going to maintain that as long as I can.

Folks seem to think it’s dangerous.  LOL!  ANYTHING is dangerous in the wrong hands.  I’ve read extensively and understand how and how not to do it.  And it’s so nice and inexpensive!  Big Pharma can go to hell.


Tried to Post Yesterday

And couldn’t find my password anywhere.  I did this morning.  Amazing, these days one needs a thousand different passwords, all with different specific detailed requirements.  You have to write them all down.  And keep a record but then over time, as you change them, you just instead add them to the bottom, and then when you want to find it, it’s been changed twice already.

I’m devising a new way to keep them where I can find them.  No matter which device I’m using, I’ll need to get the info without revealing WHAT it is, and where it is to hackers.  But, heck, I can be devious too.

More Medical

So, now we have a different type of health care….for elderly.  And while we are beginning to work out again at the Y like we used to do in Virginia, we had to have instruction yesterday on the equipment, because all the machines function differently, although they do the same job.  So, today we start again but after we go have blood drawn for husband to determine if he needs the thyroid meds he stopped taking.

We both stopped taking ALL of our meds except those absolutely necessary, well, and quercetin with C, D, and Zinc.  We see that as essential.  But we wondered for some time why his diarrhea wouldn’t stop, and he kept losing weight.  Well, stopping ALL his pills stopped the diarrhea.  Imagine that!  So, taking all those prescriptions and supplements were CAUSING the diarrhea!

When we told the doc, he said many elderly come in with whole lists of drugs they take, and he’d like to cut them out one at a time, but it’s scary for folks, and there’s no way to determine which would do harm.  So, it’s a common problem.

Drug companies profit.  Folks get sicker, not better.  Ugh.