The Old Eyeball Tree

I can hardly find it now, because the old eyeball tree is covered with God’s gift to us all, flowers!  A bush I cannot even identify has grown and almost completely covered it.  It’s still the only one in Reston, probably Virginia as well.  Why, maybe it’s the only one in the country!

My daughters both studied art, and both dabbled in Sculpture, as did I.  For many years, I’ve had family art adorning my living room walls, and floor, too, for that matter.  There was once a plaster seated nude, life size, right by my front window where we now place the Christmas tree each season.  I have a rather large perhaps 3.5 ft puzzle piece leaning against one wall as well.  The plaster nude is now defunct, as is my own sculptural adventure of 7 ft. in plywood which disintegrated after many years in the back yard.  Plywood just doesn’t last that long.

Self portraits are here as well, and a huge painting of one daughter painted by the other.  I like his room.  Spend lots of computer time in it reminding me of past interests.  Love of art is in me, and obviously in them as well.

The eyeball tree was a sculpture project.  An exploration into metal, and welding.  What a unique idea!  It’s rusty now, and the eyeballs have faded, but still stands there as a reminder of days past.

Scanning through the 17,000 pictures I have on this hard drive, I cannot find a picture of my eyeball tree, but I know it’s there somewhere.  So, the mama fox from two years ago, feeding her young on the run will have to do.

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