How to See God’s Love for US

I know this isn’t an original thought, and I know someone else wrote about this just recently, because I saw it.  Every time I go out to walk the dog, or get in the car, I’m reminded.  Every time, I see it.  I feel it.

We all have needs, and yes, God provided for all our needs.  Food in abundance, ways to make shelters, others with which we can share our blessings, a variety of weather types to teach us to care for ourselves.

But God didn’t stop there.  All the plants He made could have reproduced without the glory of a flower, but He gave us a very special something!  Beauty!  He gave us a special blessing!  It cannot be called anything but a blessing!  A flower is a show, a gift only for our eyes, a glorious manifestation of God’s love for us.  There’s no other possible reason for them!  They are God’s gift for us every day!  And a constant reminder of blossoming of new life each spring.  Some glow with beauty all summer long, and some start again and bloom only in the fall seasons.

What a gift!  What a God we have!  If there’s any doubt in your heart of His love for us, understand flowers are for all of us!  The sinners and guilty, too, get this wonderful show, this manifestation of His love.


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