Spring is Here

Already, the crocuses have come and gone, and forsythia is blooming up and down the road, although mine is just not doing anything!  The foxes get fed right under the unhealthy forsythia, and they think they can hide in them.  Perhaps, but sometimes I can see them quite well.

I’ve begun to give them the soft food Ash leaves in her dish as well as a scoop of dry food each day, and it’s always gone in the morning, even though I don’t see them come and eat it.  The birds have discovered the cat food, and especially large crows, swoop down and enjoy a morning feast often.

The squirrels are always attacking the bird feeders, and once, one got inside the tube upside down, and couldn’t get out!  The top had dropped on him.  I had to pick up the top, and let him wiggle out and leap to safety.  He scampered off quickly, but I’m sure he gets fed regularly from these bird feeders.  Clever and funny little guys, these squirrels!  They are so cute.


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